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Matches for from:ninjashogun raise, 6 total results Sorted by newest | relevance

Wed Mar 05 01:22:57 UTC 2014  <ninjashogun>   e.g. rather than raise $250K via an angel investor, or $4M in a Series A, that both of these could be done 100% via the bitcoin ecosystem?

Tue Mar 04 22:14:59 UTC 2014  <ninjashogun>   which is why I wuold not raise external money for it - it is a small amount I would use as a bridge loan. But your thinking is correct, asciilifeform

Mon Mar 17 23:55:11 UTC 2014  <ninjashogun>   just a few include: angellist, kickstarter and indiegogo, sell gold or points, b2b deals or referral fees, there is even crypto stock if you want to raise online funds.

Tue Mar 04 22:13:27 UTC 2014  <ninjashogun>   to myself, as a personal loan. I would like to do it this way because the company has become much more valuable, has assigned IP assets, etc. It doesn't make sense to raise a small amount of company by the company.

Wed Mar 19 22:16:11 UTC 2014  <ninjashogun>   so rather than raise a traditional angel round of investment, you directly pay for the users, who "know" they are the product, to upload. Having 10,000 senior, lead, etc, technical profiles, is worth a substantial amount for the company, as well as enabling b2b deals etc.

Wed Jul 02 21:15:01 UTC 2014  <ninjashogun>   For traditoinal companies, that have at least 2 years of net revenues, it's typical to raise "RBF" (revenue based financing) at a multiple of up to 5x, meaning that it will be returned until 5x has been returned. And that is with substantially reduced risk. (2 years of real cash flow.)